Monday, October 3, 2011

3 October 2011 Busy Week

I must apologize for not posting sooner.  It's been a busy week.  Not sure what all I did, but I don't remember sitting down much. 

Chris and I went out to lunch at the Subway at school.  It's always good to have an American meal.  We did some errands around the school like get money, get more uniform shirts and went by the office to see how I sign up to substitute.  The person that takes care of that wasn't there at the time but her assistant told me where to go on line to find the paperwork.  I think I have to do a resume.  I'm not sure and I really don't feel like making one now, just to sub.  Maybe after the first of the year, when things are settled down. 

Thursday, I took the MRT into Plaza Singapura to meet some other ladies to pick our baskets for the PTA Trivia night that we are putting on in November.  This is different from the Food Fest the week before.  This is just for adults.  We are in charge of the centerpiece baskets for each table that will hold the paperwork and pencils and telephones for those that feel the need to cheat at the game.  After we got 24 cute cheap baskets at Daiso (a Japanese $2 dollar store) we split up and I sent to Carre Four to pick up some things that I could only get there.  Good Ciabata bread, cheap chocolate chips and a few other things that I can only find at Carre Four in town.  Now to ride back on the train to Woodlands.  I had 4 bags of stuff and you should see the looks that you get when you carry groceries on the train.  From Woodlands MRT, I took a taxi back to the house. 

I baked some chocolate chip cookies for the bake sale at school, but I didn't take them because they were too flat.  Ernie said that I had too much butter in it.  I guess a block of butter here isn't near enough to a stick of butter at home. I hate metrics.  I can't believe that I taught it for all those years and really never learned it.  Who needs it anyway?  Me !!  So we'll eat the cookies instead.

Friday, Chris and I took a trip up to a new place.  Holland Village.  It's another expat area.  That's where Chris would like to move to when they come back from Japan.  What am I going to do without my friend for a year and a half?  We went to a store called Lim's to get Elliott some cargo uniform shorts.  He's been wearing the regular shorts and looks good, but he  says that they are getting tight.  Went to a Thai restaurant and had Tofu.  It wasn't like Kim Son's Deluxe Tofu, but it was good. 
After I got home, I got ready for another carpet auction.  Found the address to the Raffles Hotel and put it in my iphone maps.  It seems that it's the only way, we can get around these days.  Still looking for a large rug  to go under the dining room table.  We found parking across from the hotel.  It is absolutely marvelous, old world hotel.  The auction was held in a small room off a back courtyard of the hotel. This time it was the PTA hosting the auction.  It was a different carpet man.  He wasn't as good and he didn't come down as low as the EME auction did.  He also didn't offer as many carpets.  He only had 40.  There was only one that we liked and by the time the bidding was finished on it, it was up to $8500.  No way.  We decided that we would look around or wait until the EME spring carpet auction and hopefully one would come our way then.  There are some that are called tribal rugs.  They are of course handmade and made mostly in reds and blacks.  They are not symmetrical.  I liked them as they were unusual.  But Ernie didn't like them.  I think they would make great rugs in a home in Austin or that area.  Maybe the fish camp.  I will leave with one even if it's for the kitchen.  As we were leaving, I took this picture of the Raffles Hotel.  I plan on taking a tour of it soon as it was beautiful..
Raffles Hotel from Beach Street

Saturday was "building day."  Ernie and Elliott built my pantry and my bathroom shelves.  I know it's not much but at least I don't have to walk to the  other room to get my stuff to cook with. 

I still have some stuff in the other room but this is all I need immediately to cook with.  And to think that I had a whole closet back in Houston for a pantry.  I don't have a picture of the bathroom shelves yet.  I still need a few more baskets and then I'll take a picture.  It does take quite a bit of room in the bathroom but at least we don't have buckets all over the floor in the bedroom now. 

Sunday, we set out for a Challenger store which a guy told us it was a lot like Fry's.  He was wrong.  It is nothing like Fry's.  It has a bunch of stuff that people have no idea what to do with.  Ernie and Elliott decided to head for Sim Lim (that's the place with the 6  stories of little hole in the wall stores of computer stuff).  Since we were parked in a great parking space at Tampines Mall and I like the mall, they took the MRT to Sim Lim and I stayed to shop.  Not 15 minutes after they left, I went into a little computer store across from the Challenger store and saw a 300 watt  power supply that Ernie was looking for. I sent pictures to them to see if it was what we needed.  They decided to look for a little bit at Sim Lim and I shopped at Tampines Mall.  About an hour and a half later, they headed back and met me at the little shop.  It was exactly what they needed.  Ernie put it in the computer as soon as we got home.  Can you believe that little old me know what to get?  I really can't believe it either.  Now hopefully, it will work. 

Today was nothing special.  I went to the PTA meeting at 10 where they were discussing Interim Semester changes. Of course there are always the Negative Nancys that dislike anything that anyone does.  After the meeting, I walked down to the Marsiling MRT and rode it one station over to the Woodlands MRT to go the the mall and the good Cold Storage grocery store.  It's so much better than the one by me.  Then I walked across the street to the Community Center, picked up some cash and took a cab home.  Sent some emails, straightened up a few piles and did some laundry.  Before I knew it, it was time to cook dinner.  Time flies here.  It seems that I'm up every day at 6:30 and in bed around 11:30.  Never enough time in the day.  Put my Halloween decoration on the door.  the whole street put stuff out on Sunday. Stuff is hanging from the carports and the gates.  We've got to figure out where we're hanging out.  I hear that it's way too crowded here then.  They say that about a 1000 kids come from everywhere to the Woodlands because we give out the best candy.  Sounds like toothbrushes need to be given out also. 

Better get to bed.  Tomorrow is Interim Sememster selection day.  I would like to be there when Elliott puts his choice in.  His first choice now has changed to Annapura Trek to Mt. Everest.  His second choice is Tibet.  Third is Mountain biking in New Zealand.  I guess we'll be buying some severe winter clothes when we are home for Christmas.  Maybe I should start ordering somethings online and having them sent to Daddy's.  Keep your fingers crossed that he get's his first choice. 

Night to all,



  1. OK I totally caught up on your blog during our faculty meeting! hahah shhh don't tell anyone!!! ;0) Miss you Mom, still every day I think of you at school. ;0) Can't wait to come visit.

  2. are you still alive over there???
    I got your invitations by the way!! So cute!! :0)

  3. Yep. We're alive. I'm working on addresses now. Not sure if I know how to make labels and save them the regular way.
