Wednesday, September 21, 2011

21 Sept. 2011 - Lunch and Interim Semester

The past few days have been busy.  Monday was busy with people coming into to take care of the place.  The Allied people came in and took away 99% of our boxes. There are a few left so we can pack away all the stuff that we don't know what to do with or we need to give it away.  Then the "guy" came to look at the list of fix it things that need to be done.  Of course, he was not able to fix any of them at the time so he has to come back.  And then finally at 5 p.m., the IKEA guys delivered our new cabinet/pantry for the kitchen and the shelving unit for the bathroom.  We bought them both in black so Elliott could use them when he gets in college or after that. 

Yesterday, I got to spend the day out of the house.  Chris and I went into town and met about 14 other EME women for lunch.  Chris drove in since she has the car while her husband is relocating to Japan.   It was a rainy day all day so having a car really helped.  The restaurant was a little Italian place called La Braceria.  We started with a soup or salad, then a table full of 5 different pizzas, then we had our main entrees of either Linguine and Clams or a Tomato Base with Crab meat over spaghetti.  Finishing up the meal, we had little puffed pastries full of cream and chocolate drizzled over them.  It was all delicious.  And the company was great.  I'm even beginning to learn recognize some faces and actually put names to a few.  Who could believe that we could spend 3 hours eating lunch. 

Afterwards, I had to get to Tanglin Mall as I had a hair appointment again.  It seems like only yesterday that I was there getting it done.  I shared a cab with two of the other women as they were going right by Tanglin on their way home. Got to the appointment a little early, so they started on my pedicure.  Danny started on my color.  He doesn't talk much.  Acutally, he doesn't talk at all.  And the little girl that does my pedicure is just as cute as a bug.  She just smiles.  Got the same fantastic neck massage when they washed out my hair.  When Adrian came out to cut my hair, he was shocked at how much it had grown. He was also shocked at how much hair that I have.   We decided to cut it a little shorter around the front and layer it up the back alittle more. By the time I get home in December, I may be bald.  It will be cooler.  Ernie met me in the mall after the appointment and we went to Chili's and had dinner.  Southwestern eggrolls and free refills on drinks.  Best place in town!!  Lots of traffic on the way home.  We sure are glad that I have an iphone to map out our directions home.  We need to get the maps for the Garmin and keep it in the car.  It's really hard for me to ride in a car and read a map even on the phone. 

Today the "guy" from Allied came and hung my pictures.  When the rest of the boxes are out of the house, I'll take more pictures and post them.  It's beginning to look like a home all the way down to the blue comforter on the white couch.  Trying to get all the towels and sheets from the extra bedrooms washed up so I can put them away.  I hear that sometimes they still get musty smelling with all the humdity here.  I've put the air con's on "dry" which means they need to be at about 22-24 degrees to get the moisture out.  Everyone puts these "hippo" things that are dehumidfiers in their closets to keep the moisture and smells down.  I need to go into town and get some more as I have more closets that need lots of protection.  They've already started to get droplets of water in them in less than 2 weeks.  Looks like I'll be changing those often.  I'm sure I'll have to start raising our temperatures more because I've heard that some people that left theirs around 23 or so, had a $1600 light bill.  Ernie will die.  Of course, he doesn't want to remember that they help pay that bill too.  I may as well cut all the arms off my shirts and make shorts out of all my pants. 

Tonight we had a meeting at school about Interim Semester.(Of course we walked since we are so close.)  It is a required course that the high school students go on in February.  Since it is required, the company pays for it too.  The kids have 57 different choices of courses.  7 are in Singapore and the other 50 are all over the world except the US.  There are several in China, Japan and Southeast Asia.  There are some in Africa, Europe, Australia and New Zealand.  There are some in Turkey, Russia and India.  Everywhere except US and South and Central America.  I guess they figure that we can go there any time.  Ha Ha.  Some are service projects, some are just studies of the culture or aspects of the area,  some are hikes and high adventure.  Elliott has looked at Annapurna near Mt. Everest, West Coast of Australia, Hiking trek in NewZealand and even a Theater aspects in London.  He's even thinking about the one to Russia or Poland.   Who knows which ones he's narrow down to.  He's got two weeks to decide.  The Seniors pick first, then the juniors. and so on.  They divide up the alphabet and move it around so the A's don't always get to pick first.  This year, the M's are the fourth group for the juniors.  Thank goodness he's not a freshman this year, the M's pick last. The teachers are the chaperones. 10 kids for each teacher.   We'll keep you informed on which one he ends up with.  Hopefully, we don't have to go out and buy ski clothes for Switzerland.    

Well, it's time to head to bed.  Another busy day tomorrow.  I have a meeting with the Booster Booth ladies to talk about the Trivia Night put on the the Boosters and the school.  I'm headed to the American club.  Yippee!!

Love to all, 


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