Monday, August 8, 2011

Day 8-August 8, 2011

We've been here a week now. I have learned so much about this place.  Just getting around on the MRT.  I've also learned a little more about the dryasher.  I've learned how to just wash and not dry.  I'll be hanging up laundry all over the place now.  I'm still working on the No-Iron shirts. 

Elliott is trying to re-wire the world.  He's trying to make it where he can leave the phone on.  Well that would be great except a cable is now streched across the living room floor in everyones way. 

Went out for lunch about 2.  Went somewhere on Orchard Road.  We had Burger King. Then walked around at one of the malls.  Not sure which one.  Then I looked out the window and figured out that I wanted to check out ION on Orchard Road.  I had heard that it was very expensive.  Elliott navigated me there.  Best news of all I found a new store with something like Bath and Body Works. It's called L"occitane.   I found a Verbena pump hand soap.  I felt like I had died and gone to heaven.  Three great things in one day.  Iced Tea, doing 4 loads of laundry in one day and now Verbena Hand Soap.  Unfotunately, it came with a high pirce.  $25.  It's about the size of one BBW  Coconut Lime Verbena soap.  Oh well.  It's the little things in life that mean so much. 

Elliott was correct when he said that it got more expensive as you went up.  Prada, if I remember correctly, was about the 4th or 5th floor.  After that, there were very names that I had even heard of when we reached the upper floors.  I don't thing I'll be going up there any time soon. 

We headed back to the apartment to watch movies and rest.  You have to remember this is our "corporate" vacation also.  I don't think that it's set in for Elliott that he starts back to school next Monday.  And I get to become a stay at home mom. 

Waiting for Ern to get home and it's 6:39.  He's been driving the car, so I know he waits until the traffic is lighter.  Actually, the traffic is nothing compared to what we have at home.  People are nicer on the road and there are no big Suburban type vehicles on the road to worry about.  I may try and cook some stuff that we got at the store.  Not really sure.  The choices are very small as we only have cereal, bread and some frozen stuffed dumplings to eat. 

Well, we actually went to Clarke Quay and ate at a place called Senor Taco.  It was just a small sit outside place.   I had two small quesadilla's for $12.  Ernie and Elliott had a combination quesdilla and taco platter.  I forgot to tell you the tortilla's were less inches around 6.  Really small food here.  But it was enough.  I think my stomach has shrunk since we haven't had the huge Texas portions available to us.  Water is not easy to get.  You have to ask for it and some don't even give it out.  So i have learned to buy tea bags and make iced tea here at the apartment.  I guess I need to learn to sneak a bottle of water into restaurants and drink it like a wino out of a bag.  Oh, Teresa, if you want some margaritas, you'll need to bring lots of money.  You can get a liter for $40.  Or you can get just one for $14.   

Tomorrow is National Day in Singapore so Ernie is off.  Not sure if we have any big plans.  I do know that we need to drive the car to the grocery store.  Maybe we can drive to the Woodlands grocery store as we know how to park at their parking garage and it's going the other direction from the inner city.  We'll see.  I'll fill you in.

Good Night,


1 comment:

  1. Yay I'm glad you had some positive things happen!! Whoo hoo for hand soap!! hehe :0)
